
How Do I Know I Have Sleep Apnea?

How Do I Know I Have Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is a chronic sleeping disorder where breathing is consistently interrupted. This occurs due to human anatomy problems or because of central nervous system disconnections involving your...

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What Does Sleep Apnea Cause

What Does Sleep Apnea Cause

Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder viewed by many as something minor and not much to worry about. But when you look beneath the surface and ask what does sleep apnea cause, astonishing details are...

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How Common is Sleep Apnea?

How Common is Sleep Apnea?

Having trouble sleeping? You may ask yourself what is wrong. Why is it that I can’t sleep through the night? If you find yourself feeling even more tired after you wake up from your rest you might...

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How Can I Prevent Sleep Apnea?

How Can I Prevent Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder in which a person stops and starts breathing several times an hour during sleep. These pauses in breathing might only last a few seconds but can last as much...

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Can Sleep Apnea be Cured?

Can Sleep Apnea be Cured?

If you received a diagnosis of sleep apnea, you might wonder 'can sleep apnea be cured?' This form of sleep disordered breathing affects millions of adults around the world. This translates into...

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Is Sleep Apnea A Disability?

Is Sleep Apnea A Disability?

Is sleep apnea a disability? If you suffer from this common form of sleep-disordered breathing, you might wonder if it is. It affects your ability to get restful sleep, increasing your risks for a...

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